I Have No Idea

I've been getting a lot of folks asking me how I feel about the Ork codex so far. I've only read it and not played a thing. My initial reactions are that I am very confused. I am honestly not sure how I'm supposed to use this book. I'm assuming the answer is "However you please," of course, but that's not really good enough for me. WAAGH! Drillteef is a Brainboy-Heavy force which uses lots of vehicles and dabbles in Warp manipulation and tactical legerdemain. I think this Codex is going to do a lot for my army from a fluff perspective. I believe I can use this Codex to build an army which very closely reflects what WAAGH! Drillteef would look on the battlefield. Multiple Combined Arms Detachments or Self-Allying I think the new Ork Codex is a pretty good example of why we should be allowing players to take multiple Combined Arms Detachments or, in lieu of that, simply allowing them to ally with themselves. I think these lists should really...