
Showing posts from May, 2014

Summoning Daemons Thematically

Hey, folks. I know there has been a lot of hullabaloo about the ability of many different forces to summon Daemons.  I'm not going to go into the balance aspects of this because, to be honest, I'm not qualified to comment on it at this point. However, I do have something to say about it from a fluff perspective. I do understand the argument that, even in his darkest hour, a Space Marine Librarian probably ought not be summoning Daemons.  However, the ability for it does exist in the rules. Let's make some lemonade, shall we? Forces of the Imperium There has been a lot of speculation about the Emperor as a warp being. Indeed, some argue that he is a God, much to his chagrin.  Perhaps you are not summoning Chaos Daemons and are, instead, other-worldly beings which are attuned to the holy power of the Emperor? Model some shining angel Space Marines for the Daemons you summon.  Paint them shining silver and gold with blazing eyes with weapon and wargear loa...

The Long Weekend

Hello, readers! I had an extremely busy weekend full awesome. After having a date night with the wife, I proceeded to stay up way the hell too late playing Hearthstone   and painting my Star Trek Attack Wing minis (3am).  May I present the USS Tyson (NCC-1958) (Named after the ineffable Neil Degrasse Tyson), the USS Republic (NCC-1371-A), and the USS Saratoga (NCC-1887) I woke up at 7am to record the intro for Episode 4 of the Masters of the Forge with Snorre and Kamil. This week's episode (releasing Wednesday)  is about hidden threats in the world of 40k.  Be sure to tune in. After that I left to put my first commission for Frontline Gaming in the mailbox.  It's a level 1 Wave Serpent commission.  I hope the client likes it.  It looks good on the tabletop, but you can see the way I faded the sprays to create depth when you look close up and underneath the model.  Of course, that's what Level 1 is... tabletop quality.  I look forw...

Allying With Myself

Sung to the tune of "Dancing With Myself" by Billy Idol, but with an Ork accent. On the worlds of Ultramar Or in the ghoul stars way out far, far With the Mega Armor and the Power Klaw's clamour I'm allyin' with myself When there's no one else in sight And da kommandos' sneakin right Well, dey gonna snik ya in your softy bitz And I'm allyin' with myself Oh ally wiv myself Oh ally wiv myself We ain't gonna lose and ain't got nothing to prove And I'm allyin with myself, oh And I know dat boyz don't like To get krumped when wagons fight I'd get my mega-boss to take all the hits I'd just ally with myself So let's take another Mek Cause he's got the bitz to think And stop my Manz from runnin away Dat's why I'm be allyin' with myself, oh Oh ally wiv myself Oh ally wiv myself We ain't gonna lose and ain't got nothing to prove And I'm allyin with myself, oh oh oh oh ...

Loopy's Ork Wishlist

A lot of folks have compiled their Ork Codex Wishlists including Severus from over on the Twenty-First Legion blog .  I've had a long time to think about it myself and with the new fast-release schedule of the White Dwarf magazines, the rumors have been few and unbelievable, so we're very much in the dark about things. I won't let that stop me from speculating or wishing for things which I believe will make the army more fun to play. Update:  Ork Boarding Torpedoes This would basically be a vehicle for which there won't be a model.  It's a 35 point upgrade to an Ork unit and has a transport capacity of 20 boyz.  You take a large blast template and put it over a unit and resolve it as a Str 6 AP - barrage.  Then, when you're done, deal Str 6 AP- hits to the Ork unit inside the Boarding Torpedo equal to the number of Orks inside.  The surviving Orks are placed in close combat with any units which were hit by the blast. Leadership An army...

Albany Exterminatus 2014

One of my FLGS are running a big Apocalypse event at the end of the month.  It's a 2-day event, but could be doable for some of you in the region.  The event does have a cost associated, but there will also be a comparable amount of prize support.  It should be a great time, but please call ahead. The Facebook Page Event Our club's Facebook Page: The flyer: Grimfoe Games is pleased to announce Albany Exterminatus, a massive 40k Apocalypse game. A Game of Carnage and Destruction. When May 31st, continuing on June 1st Where Grimfoe Games 598 Columbia Turnpike East Greenbush, NY 12061 Cost $15 What you Need Each player will choose between fighting for the imperium or the xeno faction, armies for these are listed below, you can bring any number of allies from your sides ally chart. Each pl...

Gene's Basement - Pick-Up Game List Development

It's been an aufully long time since I've posted  a battle report here since a lot of my recent reports have been of campaign games and they're posted over at the Campaign Blog.  It was great to have a proper game with Gene after a long hiatus. WAAGH! Drillteef brought Mad Doc, Warboss Grimblitz (mega-armored warboss with bosspole and attack squig), 11 boyz (trukk, red, ram, power klaw, bosspole), battlewagon (red, ram, big shoota) with 20 shoota boyz inside (nob, power klaw, bosspole, 2 big shootas), Warkopta (skorcha, rattler kannon), 10 boyz (nob, rokkit launcha, power klaw, bosspole), 6 tankbustas, battlewagon (ram, big shoota) with 13 Lootaz, 3 Zzapgun artillery (3 ammo runts, 9 grots and a runtherd), Dakkajet (extra supa shoota, flyboss), 7 Stormboyz (Shazzo Blitzklawz), 15 Gretchin, Bastion with Comms Relay. The Eldar brought The Avatar, a Wraithknight, 2 squads of Guardians, 1 squad of Dark Reapers, 3 Guardian Jetbikes, a Fire Prism, and 3 Wave Serpents. Gam...