Take a Deep Breath

Over a year ago, Jervis Johnson wrote an article in White Dwarf (rest in power) about FAQs and how great a job the FAQ staff had been doing, but he was going to tell people to "roll it off" from now on when he answered rules questions. Fast forward to today and we still haven't had a substantial FAQ since then even though there is a shooting/wound allocation FAQ which literally contradicts the rules. Part of me believes that was a parting shot from Jervis... a little joke he can chuckle about. Either that or I'm hopelessly paranoid. Whatever the case, the time has come to calm the heck down about the new edition and just get zen about it because we need it. Reece wrote a great article about the very subject of why we need a new edition. I just have a few things to add. Keep in mind that this thing hasn't been released yet and there's a whole lot of IFs involved here. Monetizing FAQs I really think that this was inevitable. They had to fin...