
Showing posts from April, 2014

Take a Deep Breath

Over a year ago, Jervis Johnson wrote an article in White Dwarf (rest in power) about FAQs and how great a job the FAQ staff had been doing, but he was going to tell people to "roll it off" from now on when he answered rules questions.  Fast forward to today and we still haven't had a substantial FAQ since then even though there is a shooting/wound allocation FAQ which literally contradicts the rules. Part of me believes that was a parting shot from Jervis... a little joke he can chuckle about. Either that or I'm hopelessly paranoid. Whatever the case, the time has come to calm the heck down about the new edition and just get zen about it because we need it.   Reece wrote a great article about the very subject of why we need a new edition.   I just have a few things to add. Keep in mind that this thing hasn't been released yet and there's a whole lot of IFs involved here. Monetizing FAQs I really think that this was inevitable.  They had to fin...

Background - Who Is Mad Doc Drillteef, D.D.S?

Who is Mad Doc Drillteef, D.D.S.?  I wrote an article when this Blog started about my Warlord and I felt it was time for an update.  I also wanted to introduce some of my new subscribers to this character because they'll be hearing more about him and his Boyz as time goes on. My hope is that this will be a regular feature on the Blog where I talk about the different units and warbands who've joined Mad Doc on his crusade. About fifty years ago, a Ork named Grubbin emerged from the ranks of brainboyz in WAAGH! Grok (on the Galactic North side of the Eastern Fringe) as a truly talented individual. He wasnā€™t quite as unstable back then, of course. He was ingenious in his execution of bionik replacement surgery. Wealthy Nobz and even Warbosses from other clans who had joined the WAAGH! paid plenty of teef to subject themselves to Grubbinā€™s whims. Who in their right minds could pass up over a fifty percent success rate with only a twenty percent mortality rate? Over time, G...

Review: Games Workshop Website

Since its release, I've heard some uniformed, negatively-themed armchair reviews of the new Games Workshop website on various forums and in comments sections throughout the Internet.  Of course, this shouldn't rankle me so much... it is the internet  after all.  Uninformed pontificating is the delicious, fatty sauce over the open-faced hate sandwich that is website comments sections. Someone in the comments section of BoLS actually had the audacity to say that BoLS are corporate shills for GW because the author of the article dared to say the website wasn't half bad. For that reason, I feel compelled to actually do a review of the site since I actually know what I'm talking about in this case as I am a front-end web developer. (Please don't judge me based on my blog... I chose to use Blogger so I don't have to put a lot of thought into the design... I do enough of that at work!)  Also please note that web design, even though people try to make it a zero su...

Masters of the Forge, and THANKS to the Servitors and Quartermasters

You might have noticed that the new Masters of the Forge podcast has dropped its first episode today. Some of you may know that I am one of the hosts of this new podcast.  You can imagine my surprise when, a few months ago, Snorre contacted me to be a member, citing my  Codex: Star Eagles document (which he'd helped edit) as one of the things that made him think I'd be up to the task.  I'm honored that Snorre and Kamil would have me and I really look forward to working with them to help promote the hobby. The main focus of the show is to bring the world of 40k to life on your tabletop.  While the old Deepstrike Radio Podcast (of which Snorre and Kamil were both members) was focused mainly on the 40k fluff in almost a lecture or round table discussion format, this podcast focuses on taking that fluff and bringing it into your games.  The formats will consist of (but not be limited to) the following: Black Library Novels:   We'll read a Black Library...

Adepticon 2014 - Part 4: Game With Aaron, Ruminations, and Eye Candy

The Battle of Con Refuse Plain! At some point, Aaron suggested that we have a nice pick-up game before the weekend was out.  I concurred and, so, on Sunday after the prize drawings were over, we slogged over to the side hall and took a table. Of course, even before the awards had been handed out, the hotel had quickly wrapped itself in its chrysalis and was beginning its transformation back into a safe haven for normal people.  I had no terrain with me this year, which is strange because I usually bring at least a table's worth for just such an occasion, but I'd forgotten. We were not about to let that stop us! White Dwarf Handshake FAIL. We rolled The Relic with Dawn of War deployment. The Gretchin advance past the stage towards Codex Hill with the Nob Bikerz and Flash Gitz in a support position. The Electrork Mayhem is annihilated by the Doomscythe and the Nob Bikerz lose a few orks to another.  The Gretchin set themselves up for a ruinous charge...