Daughters of the Final Autumn - Retributor Squad Greta

For decades Greta fought as a Battle Sister of the Order of Our Martyred Lady , serving with distinction in battle after battle. Even as an older woman, she survived the Third War for Armageddon as a Veteran Retributor Superior. Her squad recorded scores of Ork kills, tearing piles upon piles of greenskins to pieces with Heavy Bolter fire. Though her squad suffered fifty percent casualties, they still counted themselves lucky at the end of that engagement. So many of their comrades had not. Unfortunately for Greta, as she aged and became less and less expendable, she developed a nasty habit of standing up to the Ministorum . She rarely questioned any influence they tried to impose in battle, though she did grumble about it a few times. No, she was a consummate warrior who obeyed orders. It was the time between engagements which brought out her coarse attitude towards these men. Her experience, strength, confidence, and respect from her peers i...