
Showing posts from January, 2014

Daughters of the Final Autumn - Retributor Squad Greta

For decades Greta fought as a Battle Sister of the Order of Our Martyred Lady , serving with distinction in battle after battle.  Even as an older woman, she survived the Third War for Armageddon as a Veteran Retributor Superior.  Her squad recorded scores of Ork kills, tearing piles upon piles of greenskins to pieces with Heavy Bolter fire.  Though her squad suffered fifty percent casualties, they still counted themselves lucky at the end of that engagement.  So many of their comrades had not. Unfortunately for Greta, as she aged and became less and less expendable, she developed a nasty habit of standing up to the Ministorum .  She rarely questioned any influence they tried to impose in battle, though she did grumble about it a few times.  No, she was a consummate warrior who obeyed orders. It was the time between engagements which brought out her coarse attitude towards these men. Her experience, strength, confidence, and respect from her peers i...

Star Eagles Battle Report - 2000 Points versus Space Wolves

Captain Taigana glared at the Space Wolf Battle Barge hanging above the planet.  Malice baked off the courageous III Company Captain.  Sergeant  Chane  shuffled next to him, unsure of what to say.  Fortunately for him, the Captain broke the silence himself.  "How did it come to this, Chane?  How is it that we find ourselves in this position?" "The Wolves like a fight, sir." "But how much longer must we entertain these... frivolities.  We have serious business to attend to." "Yes sir." "And the drinking.  Our supply of spirits has nearly run dry!  Have you ever seen such drinking?" "Not ever, sir.  However..." "However what , Sergeant?"  Danger! Danger! "I was just going to say, it has been a treat to fight them. The 7th and 9th Company Brothers are learning a lot.  Their combat simulators are better than ours.  It doesn't hurt that they fight much like Chaos does." "Don't let t...

The Time of Adepticon Waxes and, Once Again, List Angst!

Another Adepticon is in the crosshairs.  I'm fairly certain that my kvetching from the previous Adepticon and from Da Boyz GT will not make a resurgence.  I think that I know I want to bring nice-looking and fun models over competitive choices.  That's kind of a given at this point as I always come out of a GT glad that I brought the pretty models and received accolades for them. Having said all of that, I do foresee a little bit of hemming and hawing. The thing is, I do want to compete. I want to build a cohesive list which stands a chance against at least half of my opponents.  The list needs to be fun not only for me, but my opponent.  If I can at least surprise a tough opponent, if not win, that'll please me. SSSSHHHH! Be vewwy vewwy quiet! I'm 'unting 'UMMIES! This year, I think that WAAGH! Drillteef really does need to hire Boss Snikrot again. It's been quite some time since their paths have crossed, but I'm having trouble shi...

Aftermath of the Grim Dark of January and Things to Come

Before getting into it, I want to genuinely thank all the players who came to the event.  I know some guys have kids and one gentleman drove all the way from Poughkeepsie.  Thanks also go to all the wonderful stores ( Dirty Goblin Games ), Forums (the Freebootas and the  ICs ), and clubs ( the Overlords , some local colleges) who let me promote the event.  Thanks, of course, to  Grimfoe Games for hosting the event. My initial feelings going into the first tournament our group has run since moving to Grimfoe were trepidatious to say the least. I'd been ill for a couple of days prior and the responses to the store for sign-ups were light.  However, think I shouldn't have fretted so.  I believe that, as we have more events and get the word out about our commitment to the community and friendly attitude, we should start drawing more people. When the day of the event came, however, everyone came on time and were excited about starting.  As ...