
Showing posts from December, 2013

Tourney Format Test! Chaos versus Space Marines

On January 18th, I will be running a tournament hosted at Grimfoe Games in East Greenbush, New York.  It is a Bay Area Open style tournament at 1750 points.  It would be wonderful if folks nearby can make it. We have twenty slots.   Please check out the Player Packet to find out all of the details. At any rate, James from the shop and I played a timed 1750 point game using the terrain setup I'm considering and the tourney rules. My list was: 1750 Pts - Codex: Space Marines Roster - Drop it Like it's Lukewarm 1 Cpt. Taigana (Marneus Calgar) , 275 pts (Warlord)     1 Gauntlets of Ultramar 8 Assault Squad , 178 pts (Remove Jump Packs; Flamer x2)     1 Sgt. Taia (Bolt Pistol; Remove Jump Packs; Power Axe x1)     1 Drop Pod (Drop Pod Assault) 9 Tactical Squad 01 VI , 225 pts (Meltagun)     1 Sgt. Kauminiko (Power Fist)     1 Drop Pod (Deathwind Missile Launcher; Drop Pod Assaul...

Impromptu Non-Tourney was a Blast!

Every third Saturday of the month is a singles tournament at Dirty Goblin Games in Queensbury. Due to the holidays, we had a pretty low turnout, but we had enough (4) for a round-robin tourney, so we played the first two games.  I thought my Space Marines performed well, but I certainly did miss my flyers.  Playing seven drop pods is cool and all, but being able to have air cav to be johnny-on-the-spot with the dakka was sorely missed. At any rate, one of the players dropped after turn two, so we decided, what the hell... we'll play a 2 vs 1 game on the winter board using four 1850 lists... Eldar and Space Marines vs the forces of Chaos! On an icy wasteland, the forces of chaos advance on the Eldar position. Their goal... to take the symbol of Imperial might on the shore of the frozen lake. The statue is serving as The Relic and an objective.   The Star Eagles arrive on pillars of flame! Hopefully, they don't melt through the ice! The mar...