
Showing posts from October, 2013


So, I've got a conundrum going on about my list for Da Boyz GT .  I'm still 50-50 on whether I'm going yet and need to make a decision soon.   Update: I'm going! That's beside the point, though, because I have no idea how to handle the comp at that event.  Dedicated Transports for units that are not exclusively troops are a 0-2 choice meaning I can only take two Battlewagons total.  I almost don't even know what a list such as this looks like let alone how it plays.  In a tizzy over this, I sent a message to the fellas over at Imperial VoxCast whose opinion I respect. Not only did they get back to me, but they discussed it in the show and had some rather flattering things to say about my army.  Thanks, guys! At any rate, here's the list that Dawson hammered together for me: Mad Doc Drillteef, D.D.S. - 160     23 'Ard Boyz - Nob, Powerklaw, 2x Big Shoota, all with Shootas - 275   5 Meganobz - Cyb'ork Bodies - 225   Tr...

Warbikers Finally Finished

At Adepticon 2012, I decided I wanted a Biker army.  I spent a great deal of money on 48 bikes and a Forge World biker boss .  I was extremely excited about this army and it was quite a success on the battlefield.  Of course, that is, until the new Chaos Space Marines codex came out and the horrible Torrent in that army made my list completely un-fun to play. I did manage to finish up one squad, but the list, then, languished for some time. I decided to add these as part of the Independent Characters Hobby Progress Challenge just to get them done.  They're really cool, just terrible against any flamer with AP4 or better.  Having said that, I'm glad I did them. Please excuse the slightly glossy clear coat.  I ran out of Testors and had to make do with Krylon flat spray for the time being. This first squad are all old style bikers. They're really fun.  There are some parts from more modern models where I was missing stuff. ...