
Showing posts from July, 2013

Da Boyz Weight-Loss Challenge and Assaults

A friend and I were discussing the possibility of our going to Da Boyz GT this year. There are several very good real-life reasons why this might not be feasible to our wives.  Somehow, I managed to strike a deal which will allow us to attend this awesome event in Canandaigua NY on the weekend of November 22nd.  We agreed to each lose 20lbs by the time of the tournament.  We will register early and get our hotel rooms, but all will be forfeit if we do not lose the weight. It really shouldn't be all that hard.  My own weight is 286 lbs.  20 pounds is not a very hefty percentage of that weight.  All it should take is simple diet and exercise.  I plan on further cutting my carb intake while increasing my vegetables and proteins.  I will detail my progress here weekly. Wish me luck! This week, Goatboy posted an article on Bell of Lost Souls in regards to making assault work for Orks in 6th edition .  Of course, as usual, he was lamb...