
Showing posts from May, 2013

The Defense of Charnel V

We did a fun, big city fight game this weekend I wanted to share with everyone. Skip to the end for the video battle report, if you can call it that. Here's the video I did to prepare the players: Here are my scratch notes for the rules of the battle: The Imperium of Man: Sgt. Masud of the Star Eagles deepstrikes in with a Bastion. Blood Angels can choose to have the Red Thirst or not 3 Praise the Emperor tokens (re-re-roll dice to hit) 3 The Emperor Protects tokens (re-re-roll saves) Skyshield Landing Pad Sisters of Battle Objectives granting 2+ Invul save to unit until the end of the turn Invaders: Any time during the movement phase, Lardrot can “eat” five Plaguebearers to regain a wound as long as the unit is within 12”. Lardrot has Eternal Warrior Before the beginning of any turn, the Nurgle players can sacrifice the remains of a unit of Plaguebearers to deepstrike another unit of Plaguebearers of the same original formation.  IC...

Multi-Assault Demonstration Video

Hello again. This is one of the jankiest parts of the 40k rules and I don't even cover everything here. I hope it helps you.  Let me know if you think I screwed anything up.

Deff Dread Fred

Ola! I've had this Dread for over a year and I thought it was high time he was painted.  I love Deff Dreads. I think they're funny models and really exemplify the Orks in design and mentality.  He's mainly metal and I added some pieces here and there.  The upper arms and bosspole are all kitbashed pieces. Fred's name came from me emailing myself in-progress photos. Every time I'd put in "Dread", the phone would auto-correct to "Fred".  I eventually just got fed up and just let it go.  So, his name became "Fred", which is a perfectly fine name for an Ork Dreadnought. The painting method here was just Red and Black thick blending for the red.  Red is particularly good for this for some reason.  The metal-colored portions were painted black and drybrushed with GW Leadbelcher metallic paint.  It'd been a long time since I'd used that method and I really like how it turned out for this model as I was going for a "just built...

Big Chef Grubzog

Meet Big Chef Grubzog, WAAGH! Drillteef's chef. He's the oldest Ork in the WAAGH! (even for an Oddboy who have relatively low mortality rates in WAAGH! Drillteef) mainly because he's such a good cook and brewmaster. Grubzog has a graying chopstache and a very thin hairline. The model is a Ogre Kingdoms model with the choppa replaced with a dollhouse frying pan given to me by my sister.  I glued some Deff Dred spikes to it to make it look Orky.  I also sculpted some extra details to the head to give it more of an Orky feel. Added to the bottom is a little "Ammo Runt" carrying a tray with today's special under the lid.  I've been thinking about doing this model for a really long time and finding that little grot at Adepticon really sealed the deal for me. Note the shortened beard, and also my greenstuff work:  enlarged forehead, Orky eyesockets, pointed orky ears, long back head, and flattened nose.   So, unlike the other Or...