The Defense of Charnel V
We did a fun, big city fight game this weekend I wanted to share with everyone. Skip to the end for the video battle report, if you can call it that. Here's the video I did to prepare the players: Here are my scratch notes for the rules of the battle: The Imperium of Man: Sgt. Masud of the Star Eagles deepstrikes in with a Bastion. Blood Angels can choose to have the Red Thirst or not 3 Praise the Emperor tokens (re-re-roll dice to hit) 3 The Emperor Protects tokens (re-re-roll saves) Skyshield Landing Pad Sisters of Battle Objectives granting 2+ Invul save to unit until the end of the turn Invaders: Any time during the movement phase, Lardrot can “eat” five Plaguebearers to regain a wound as long as the unit is within 12”. Lardrot has Eternal Warrior Before the beginning of any turn, the Nurgle players can sacrifice the remains of a unit of Plaguebearers to deepstrike another unit of Plaguebearers of the same original formation. IC...