
Showing posts from April, 2013

Adepticon 2013 Aftermath

So, I took WAAGH! Drillteef to Adepticon and the army did me proud.   You can view the Overall results on the Adepticon website.   My results are listed under "Fasoldt, Adam" in 33rd place overall. This is something to be proud of, I think. The thing I'm most proud of, of course, is my appearance score.  I received a 37 in appearance.  The man who got top dog in appearance got a 40.  I have no doubt that my conversions played no small part in this appearance score and I'm super pleased.  Apparently, 37 is the highest score you can get before additional points are rewarded in the second round of judging.  I don't remember seeing the 2nd round judges. I think I may have gone to the restroom.  That's unfortunate, because I would like to have gotten some pointers from the judges. Anyways, again, I'm really pleased at my results. Now, as for the list, obviously I could have taken something more competitive, but I doubt highly that ...

Adepticon 2013 Here we WAAGH!

I worked tirelessly the past few days to complete a squad of Boyz and display board for the championships at Adepticon.  I decided not to go with the Wing and a Prayer list which is very good but very dull.  I chose to take an amalgamation list with some of my favorite models, but I hope to at least make a good showing at the tournament.  Here are my models (I'll post a list and summary after the con): Sack of Teef objective Marker:  Barrels of Red Paint Objective Marker: Captured Fallen Dark Angel Objective Marker:  I think we're moving into the Lombard. LOL.

Miniature Revamp - Da Yeller Klaw

I did another miniature revamp this week.  This time it was for my Deff Dread, Da Yeller Klaw.  This miniature was originally painted too fast and too late at night. I actually painted it once, then accidentally sprayed it with white primer instead of dullkote before a tournament. I stayed up 'till 4:AM re-painting it.  So, I decided such a cool mini deserved a revamp before Adepticon. Thanks to fellow Freeboota, StabbyTMP for the awesome base. BEFORE: AFTER: