
Showing posts from February, 2013

Disgusted and Appalled at Games Workshop

In our lives we often take stances that can seem odd or even subversive to others. Sometimes we do this in order to further a righteous cause or possibly because it just plain makes good sense. We are driven to these heights by a sense of justice and integrity. Today I was shocked by Games Workshop, a company I've grown to admire and throw, in great handfulls, all manner of dead presidents at. I have been waiting with bated breath for the release of the new Fliers supplement. I didn't care how dated the material was. I knew I was going to be getting rehashed content re-packaged in a supplement. I thought it was worth me throwing down up to four Hamiltons in order to make this purchase so that I could more easily run my Stormtalons and Dakkajets, all told two and one quarter Benjamins (before discount, of course... I'm not CRAZY). Imagine my SURPRISE and SHOCK and OTHER EMOTIONS of all NEGATIVE VARIETIES when I read the description of the book on their website. Ther...

Ork Scrapyard

I ran a contest over on the Freeboota forums and the winner finally received it in the mail, so I'm going to post the pics I took here.  This is a pretty decent line-of-sight blocker and obstruction for movement.

Stormboyz Complete

After a great deal of effort, the my Stormboyz are complete.  This is what happens when Orks spend too much time hanging out with Tau!  I haven't decided on a name for the Zagstruck model yet.

1200+1200 Team Tournament - Big Mek Scar 'Ead in Wings Over Boyz with Marines

Eugene and I played in the team tournament yesterday and won by a slim margin.  The battle points for 3rd 2nd and 1st were 47, 48, and 49. Gene took a Master of the Forge with a conversion beamer, two units of five Scouts, and five Ironclad Dreadnoughts with Heavy Flamers all in Drop pods. This was my list: 1200 Pts - Codex: Orks Roster - Wings Over Boyz Big Mek Scar 'Ead , 115 pts (Bosspole; Kustom Force Field; Power Klaw;  Warlord) 26 Boyz , 177 pts    1 Boyz Nob (Bosspole) 27 Boyz, 162 pts (Shootas) 27 Boyz , 162 pts (Shootas) 27 Boyz , 162 pts 27 Boyz, 162 pts 1 Dakkajet , 130 pts (Fighta Ace; TL Supa Shoota) 1 Dakkajet , 130 pts (Fighta Ace; TL Supa Shoota) After the last tournament, I overheard someone say that assault was dead in 6th edition.  I told him that was a ridiculous notion and he replied, "Well, that's because you didn't face my gun line."  I set out to prove him wrong. Game 1: Chaos Space Marines and Imperial Gu...